We claim compensation of$ 1,800 for inferiority of quality. 我方要求赔偿1800美元来补偿劣质品。
Any partner who overpays his share of the partnership's debts shall have the right to claim compensation from the other partners. 偿还合伙债务超过自己应当承担数额的合伙人,有权向其他合伙人追偿。
You should claim compensation from the insurance company. 贵方应该向保险公司提出索赔。
You should claim compensation from the shipping company instead of the sellers. 贵方应向货运公司提出索赔,而不应该是向卖方索赔。
Article 111 If a party fails to fulfil its contractual obligations or violates the term of a contract while fulfilling the obligations, the other party shall have the right to demand fulfillment or the taking of remedial measures and claim compensation for its losses. 第一百一十一条当事人一方不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定条件的,另一方有权要求履行或者采取补救措施,并有权要求赔偿损失。
The assigning party shall, in compliance with the stipulations of the contract, provide the right to the use of the land thus assigned, failing which, the land user shall have the right to terminate the contract and may claim compensation for breach of contract. 出让方应当按照合同规定,提供出让的土地使用权。未按合同规定提供土地使用权的,土地使用者有权解除合同,并可请求违约赔偿。
Article 28 In the event that Chunghwa Post is fined under the preceding two Articles, it may claim compensation from person ( s) responsible for the misdeed. 第28条中华邮政公司依前二条规定受罚时,得对应负责之人求偿。
If through the negligence of a motor vehicle driver on the road, you suffer bodily injury you are entitled to claim compensation. 任何人仕若在一宗在道路上因驾驶人疏忽而导致的交通意外中身体受伤,即有权索取赔偿。
You'd be well advised not to claim compensation for losses from me. 您最好不要向我索赔。
Where the aggrieved legal person or other organization has terminated, the legal person or other organization which succeeds its rights shall have the right to claim compensation. 受害的法人或者其他组织终止,承受其权利的法人或者其他组织有权要求赔偿。
Consumers may claim compensation for damage suffered as a result of the mailed goods and may claim reimbursement of necessary expenses for handling the mailed goods. 消费者得请求偿还因寄送物所受之损害,及处理寄送物所支出之必要费用。
If the consignor needs to claim compensation against others, it may apply for issuance of the relevant certificates with the inspection and quarantine body of the entry port. 货主需要对外索赔的,可以向进境口岸检验检疫机构申请签发相关证书。
If the losses are aggravated as a result of its failure to adopt appropriate measures, it shall not be entitled to claim compensation for the aggravated part of the losses. 没有及时采取适当措施致使损失扩大的,无权就扩大的损失要求赔偿。
In the second case, the Supreme Court upheld a high court decision that the right of two Chinese women to claim compensation for forced wartime prostitution had lapsed. 在第二起案件中,日本最高法院支持了一家高等法院的判决。这项判决裁定,两名中国妇女为战争期间被迫充当慰安妇提出索赔的权利已经失效。
If WIRTGEN CHINA establishes that its actual damages resulting from the Buyer's delay of payment were higher, then WIRTGEN CHINA is entitled to claim compensation for such higher damages. 如果WIRTGENCHINA确定因买方延迟付款对其造成的实际损失更高,则WIRTGENCHINA有权提出更高的赔付请求。
Workers who have been unfairly dismissed may claim compensation from employers. 被不合理解雇的工人可以要求雇主支付赔偿金。
A shareholder who suffers loss or damage through no fault of his own in the course of conducting business may claim compensation from the company. 股东因执行业务,受有损害,而自己无过失者,得向公司请求赔偿。
How can IK holders claim compensation for IK that is already widely used? 本土知识的拥有者如何可以要求对那些已经被广泛使用的本土知识进行补偿?
Neither party may claim compensation from the other party in any of the cases indicated above. 在上述任何情况下,任何一方都不能向另一方索取赔偿。
Units or individuals who have suffered damage caused by marine environmental pollution shall be entitled to claim compensation from the party which caused the pollution damage. 因海洋环境污染受到损害的单位和个人,有权要求造成污染损害的一方赔偿损失。
If you're still not satisfied, you may be able to claim compensation. 如果你还不满意的话,你可以索要补偿金。
If such an accounting firm has the right to claim compensation from the company for reason of such dismissal, that right shall not be affected. 有关会计师事务所如有因被解聘而向公司索偿的权利,有关权利不因此而受影响。
Under the proposed reforms,* anyone's neighbor could threaten to convert his land into a toxic-waste dump and claim compensation from the government if he was not allowed to do it. 按照已提出的改革方案,任何人的邻居都可能放话要将自己的土地变为有毒废物的弃置场,政府若不准他这么做,就向政府索赔。
The guarantor shall be entitled to claim compensation from the guaranteed after the guarantor has performed his guaranty obligations. 担保人履行担保义务后,有权向被担保人追偿。
If the FDH gets injured at work in the destination country territory, he she may claim compensation in accordance with the employees compensation law of that country territory. 假如外佣在外地因工受伤,他她可按照当地的雇员保险法例申索补偿。
Article 71 Units and individuals that have suffered damage caused by solid waste pollution shall have the right to claim compensation according to law. 第七十一条受到固体废物污染损害的单位和个人,有权要求依法赔偿损失。
Those who have suffered damages have the right to claim compensation from the persons held responsible. 受到损害的有权要求责任人赔偿损失。
In case of Chinese law, only based on infringement can we claim compensation for moral damage, so the rights of victims can not be protected by law. 由于我国法律规定,只能依据侵权才可以主张精神损害赔偿,这样,受害人的权利就不能得到法律保护。